KIPP SoCal Public Schools Provides 1 Million Healthy Meals to Communities!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, food insecurity expands beyond low-income Angelenos, striking 1 in 4 L.A. County households, ultimately leaving far too many children hungry. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March, KIPP SoCal Public Schools partnered with healthy school meal provider Revolution Foods, non-profit meal sponsor Our Little Helpers, and San Diego Unified School District. Together, we have served over one million meals to local families in efforts to combat the hunger crisis in Boyle Heights, Compton, East Los Angeles, Huntington Park, Maywood, South Gate, South Los Angeles, and Southeast San Diego.
“Children in our school communities may not always have access to healthy food in their homes, and our goal has always been to provide as many meals as possible to children, whether they are physically in school or distance learning.”
KIPP SoCal will continue providing free breakfast, lunch and supper to families throughout Southern California for the remainder of the school year. Most importantly, any child under the age of 18, will continue to receive nutritious meals, free of charge, to help them learn and lead fulfilling lives. Meals can be received at any of our 17 Grab-&-Go School Sites.
Gratitude to Our Partners!
Gratitude to Our Team Members!
Aisha B.
Amanda T.
Amani D.
Ambar M.
Ana C.
Ana R.
Ana V.
Ariana B.
Arielle F.
Ashleigh M.
Ayinde B.
Beatriz C.
Beatriz L.
Becky W.
Belen S.
Celina M.
César B.
Cesely W.
Chris R.
Cinthia C.
Claudia L.
Claudia R.
Colleen K.
Courtney G.
Cynthia L.
Daisy R.
Dan G.
Daniela V.
Darcy C.
Denise G.
Diana T.
Donovan J.
Dora S.
Edith D.
Edith Q.
Edith R.
Elbia T.
Eled H.
Elva L.
Emely E.
Emma F.
Erin S.
Estela D.S.
Evelyn V.
Eyvett A.
Frances D.
Ha'ale K.
Heidi C.
Henry V.
JaMaul T.
Janet C.
Jasmin L.
Jatziri S.
Jennifer L.
Jennifer P.
Jerry R.
Jessica R.
Jessica T.
Jesus S.
Jose O.
Joseph L.
Juan H.
Kaitlyn H.
Karla A.
Karla S.
Kathya C.
Kayla F.
Kris S.
Kriste C.
Kristopher W.
Krystal V.W.
Laura F.
Laura R.
Lindsey T.
Lucia G.
Maria G.
Marianne P.
Maricela A.
Maricela A.
Mario E.
Marisol C.
Maurice B.
Mayra P.
Melissa F.
Melissa H.
Merani E.
Mike J.
Mirna M.
Nakia J.
Nancy G.
Nancy M.
Nancy R.
Narvy V.
Nikki T.
Paola L.H.
Patricia M.
Rosa A.
Rosalba H.
Rosio M.
Roxsana G.
Samantha R.
Susan J.
Susana Medina.
Susanna G.G.
Tania C.
Tania S.
Tessa M.
Valerie A.
Valin P.
Vanessa A.
Vanessa G.
Vivian T.C.
Yazmin G.d.L.
Yesenia C.
Yesenia R.
Yolanda R.
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