News & Stories Blog
Beyond his role as an extraordinary Business Operations Manager at KIPP Vida Preparatory Academy, Maurice Buntin, is a community builder, making sure that he puts the values of his upbringing into action, and continuing to invest in the children at his school and in his community through an amazing organization he’s been involved with nearly a decade, Concerned Black Men of Los Angeles (CBMLA).
Get a behind-the-scenes look at our special education teacher’s day during distance learning at our public school — shared by our Resource Specialist at KIPP Compton Community School, Dr. Shadi Seyedyousef.
Congratulations to Allison B., from KIPP Academy of Opportunity (KAO), who has landed a place in the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Program, and Sabinah M., from KIPP LA Prep (KLAP), who has earned a highly regarded and competitive Caroline D. Bradley Scholarship.
Join us for KIPP SoCal’s January #WellnessWednesday — where you’ll learn about anxiety, depression, and grief, and when and how to get help.
Our teachers teach the knowledge and skills, nurture the confidence and character, and inspire the passion needed for our KIPPsters to achieve their goals, live their best lives, and positively impact the world.
Tricia Kiely Dong is the Founding School Leader at KIPP Generations Academy, educating students from TK-8th grade.
Daisy Salazar-Garza is the founding school leader of KIPP Poder Public School, an elementary school educating students from TK through 8th grade, in the Montebello Unified School District.
Khiley B., 10, is the proud CEO and owner of Sissy B. Nails, a kid-friendly nail polish company in Long Beach.
It’s clear that the 2020 holiday season is unlike any other. To help during this holiday season, KIPP SoCal partnered with Simply The Basics to provide hygiene necessities to Montebello’s Heart of Compassion.
Determined to meet the needs of our KIPPsters, the KIPP Corazón Academy Athletic Department launched an online community to meet students where they want to be.
Children in our school communities may not always have access to healthy food in their homes and our goal has always been to provide as many meals as possible to children, whether they are physically in school or distance learning.
Nowadays many parents/guardians are experiencing more stress than ever with added responsibilities during this pandemic. What's important is how you manage your stress.
To help get children excited about reading, the LA Dodgers hosted a bilingual "LA Reads Together" event with KIPP Promesa Prep and former Dodger all-star outfielder and coach, Manny Mota.
Learn more about how to exercise your voting rights, resist voter intimidation efforts, and access disability-related accommodations and language assistance at the polls.
Elizabeth C.C. — a proud Indigenous Oaxacan and KIPP Adelante Preparatory Academy alumna — shares her roots, her educational journey, the inspiration found in her San Diego community, and her advice for others working to create a more just world.
KIPP SoCal Public Schools is proud to have celebrated National Latinx Heritage Month to honor the rich histories, cultures, and the remarkable contributions Latinos have made in the United States.
In today’s digital world, education is key in protecting against online risks! With October being National Bullying Prevention Month, let’s dive into cyberbullying. And before we work to prevent it, it’s crucial to understand what cyberbullying is.
With 22 million teens turning 18 before the 2020 elections, our alumni KIPPsters are taking to the polls and empowering the community to make their voices heard this November and beyond.
The outrageous and deeply unfortunate ruling concerning the murder of Breonna Taylor shook me deeply. My children, your children, our children deserve better.
Whether we’re on campus or learning from home, we are committed to ensuring that all of our KIPPsters feel that “we come to school everyday because we are loved and we matter.”
In celebration of #LatinxHeritageMonth, KIPP SoCal is partnering with #LilLibros for Summer Night Reads & Autumn Night Reads.
This year with students starting virtually, the transition from summer to school is even more challenging. Here's how to identify if your child has the Back-to-School Blues.
The 2020 election is quickly approaching and KIPP SoCal is partnering with When We All Vote to make sure that our alumni, team, and communities are prepared to cast their ballots on election day, November 3rd.
As we persevered through these unprecedented days, it became clear to KIPP SoCal Public Schools that there was a void that needed to be filled based on the lack of coverage from COVID-19 relief programs.
In this moment we are engaging in thoughtful and intentional conversation on how we can create liberatory spaces for our students to thrive within, and how our purpose to educate for liberation...